A site for student projects and portfolios
Teams of students spend five weeks learning the basics of web design using HTML5 and CSS3. The culmination of the unit is a team project creating a web site of their own design and interest. Students hone their design and coding skills while learning to collaborate with diverse personalities.
CHECK THEM OUTThe next challange that students undertake is the JAVA programming language and elementary game design. Students learn by doing as the create a basic game of their own design and they learn the language collaboratively as they implement their design. Students also learn to use the NetBeans Integrated Developement Environment or IDE.
CHECK THEM OUTWith a good handle on JAVA programming students are ready to create a simple app for the Android mobile platform. Students adapt their JAVA for mobile environment and implement it using Android Studio.
CHECK THEM OUTIn the last segement of the program the students learn to make their programs interract with the physical world, communicate over the internet, and to create processor controlled physical systems. This prepares the students to proceed with next class in the three part pathway, Robotics I with the solid foundation they need for the field of programable robotics and autonomous systems.
©2017 Glendora High School - East San Gabriel Valley ROP
Theme "Solid-State" by THEMEWAGON