Life Hax

Life Hax is an organization founded by Walter Trabert and Kristofer Whiting circa 2005. We represent the display of two life hacks on our website, not concerned with content but rather our simplistic beauty. Navigation of these life hacks can be found on the left side of the home page. Any business inquires can be directed to the contact page where you, yourself can message Kristofer and I.

One may look at our minimal display of hacks concerning life and pity that any amount of time and effort went into creating and bringing out about the accessability of such a seemingly pointless website. One may scoff at its archaic design and contemplate the direction of the youth at the keyboard of which this website was programmed upon. What their passions may be, their level of intellect, and most likely who might be the great director behind this project. Not physically at the time but who was in the minds of the boys during their programming sessions. Aside from all these criticisms though, I beg thee to look upon this website with perhaps, a new perspective. Simplicity has unlimited potential for profundity and thus relevance in one's life. Just as literature conveys no definite meaning, having been created by a human it has the potential to be interpreted in unlimited ways, some interpretations relevant to their lives. More than likely you will think Kristofer and I lazy, but to us, it is rather a statement on creation, and if you look deeper, a statement on man.

Life Hax will welcome criticism with open arms as a new perspective adds another layer to our lives and our passion for creation. If you desire so, you can email me and Kris your thoughts through access of the contact page.

The love of learning. The love of learning. The love of learning. The love of learning.